Case Studies
Case Study 1: Impact to Individuals

When I first started practicing and advocating for Agile, I was hooked by the promise of individual empowerment. The idea of highly-collaborative, autonomous, cross-functional teams taking on challenging, stimulating, opportunities together was intuitively a much more engaging approach to work than waiting downstream in a long chain of far-removed discussions and power dynamics. The greatest…

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Case Study 2: Impact to One Team

While we wait for Mathias to finish writing this case study, feel free to Contact Us and we can share this Case Study live on a video call! Thanks for your patience.

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Case Study 3: Impact to Department

While we wait for Mathias to finish writing this case study, feel free to Contact Us and we can share this Case Study live on a video call! Thanks for your patience.

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Case Study 4: Impact to Stakeholders

While we wait for Mathias to finish writing this case study, feel free to Contact Us and we can share this Case Study live on a video call! Thanks for your patience.

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Case Study 5: Impact to Program Team

While we wait for Mathias to finish writing this case study, feel free to Contact Us and we can share this Case Study live on a video call! Thanks for your patience.

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Case Study 6: Impact to Executives

While we wait for Mathias to finish writing this case study, feel free to Contact Us and we can share this Case Study live on a video call! Thanks for your patience.

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